Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bashir Makhoul

Shai Kremer

Mark Ruwedel

Small Wars

Steichen at War

Virtuous War

Trailer for 'Virtuous War: Mapping the Military-Industrial Media Entertainment Network' by James Der Derian.

Disastrous Horizons

This video connects the parrallel developments of networked warfare, post-industrialization and virtual accidents. The title "Disastrous Horizons" is inspired by Paul Virilio's 'Museum of Accidents' and the video was presented at the symposium exploring the work of Paul Virilio,'Trajectories of the Catastrophic', on Friday, Oct. 24th 2008 at City Lights in San Francisco. The video is written and directed by: Phillip Gara and James Der Derian

Thursday, February 23, 2012